Healing Through Connection

Trauma comes back as a reaction, not a memory.

           – Bessel Van Der Kolk

Reactions are not often voluntary, and in fact, are often behaviors we are unaware of.  This can impact our ability to be attuned, to make repairs, to ask for having needs met – in essence, to be connected.  If we have not experienced safety in relationship, have not experienced or have lost secure attachment relationships, we can develop strategies that protect us from emotional pain.  We work with you to become more able to achieve authentic connection to both yourself and others. Our mission is to help provide services to the entire family in order to help stop multigenerational trauma and repair an entire family system. We have a team of specialists who can work with each family member, no matter the age or season of life. Often we need to make attachment wound repairs within a relationship, such as with our spouse or parent or child. Oftentimes, we are repairing childhood emotional wounds that effect our current relationships.  We strive to provide support for everyone in the family. Just as it is important to assist the whole family, it is important to treat the whole person. This is why we have put together a holistic treatment team to offer psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, yoga/somatic movement, mindfulness, ecotherapy, and equine assisted psychotherapy. The integration of body and mind is key in healing.

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