Eating Disorder Treatment Program
Eating Disorder Treatment Program
Having an unhealthy relationship with food or with our body can look all kinds of different ways. We can become obsessive with exercise, we can count calories and macronutrients, we can restrict, binge and purge in the more well known ways, we can talk cruelly to ourselves when we look in the mirror, we can refuse to let our partners see us naked or touch us. Some people’s unhealthy relationship with themselves, their body, and with food does develop into a diagnosable eating disorder, and some struggle with some pieces of this. “Eating disorder treatment” is complicated. Our individualized program helps those who are struggling with pieces of this picture, yet not a diagnosable eating disorder, as well as those who do meet criteria for a diagnosis and are more acute. We combine our SomeBody to Love group, (which focuses on body image, healthy identity, food myths, and healthy movement), with individual EMDR, trauma conscious yoga, equine assisted psychotherapy, supportive meals and basic meal preparation. The equine therapy for those with eating disorder is often mounted work, reintegrating the brain with the body on horseback. Many people with unhealthy relationships with their body and with food are often survivors of trauma, and we integrate our trauma specialties as well when working with someone. Our licensed dietician understands diet culture, health issues, and how to create a lasting plan with you through nutritional counseling. .If someone is in need of a higher level of care than we offer, we will refer you and help you as much as possible with the admission process in the appropriate program.
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